Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's not too late to sign up!!!!

I am so excited to begin the 21 days of prayer for our sons!!! Here is what you need to before tomorrow. Go to www.brookemcglothlin.com/warriorprayers/the-ebook and download and print the book. It is 5.95.  On the right hand side there is an option to follow this blog by email, submit your email address so you can receive the daily updates during the 21 days. After today I will not be sending individual messages so this will be  how you will get your information. I am praying for you as we start the 21 day journey!!!! Let me know if you have any questions.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,
    Thank you for the invitation for prayer. It is a great gift. I am encouraged each day by my 5 year old son - every day is a challenge for his energy, curiousity and strong will and antagonizing joy he finds in pestering his sisters. I pray that I can grow in patience and encouragement to him with the balance of discipline to not break his will - but help him learn self control.
    I am eager to begin today and grow closer to God in prayer and to be consistent and more skillful in my parenting patience.
