Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Valentines Day (a little late!)

I love Valentines Day!!! I have ALWAYS loved Valentines Day! It doesn't matter if I am single or attached I still think it's a wonderful happy day! I think part of that is because my Mom always made sure growing up that we had a fun day celebrating our love for each other. When I was married the ex and I would always celebrate Valentines Day the weekend before or after and he would take the girls out on the actual day and Tyson would take me out on a date. I have such good memories of going to the batting cages, movies, bowling, and go cart riding with Tyson when he was a little bitty guy.

This year was no different. I got flowers delivered to work from my secret on and off special guy.

Aren't they beautiful???? Tulips are my most favorite flowers! EVER!
The ex has really fallen down on the whole taking Kiley out for Valentines Day deal so I asked Tyson to please ask her if she would like to come on our date. He said no. That's stupid. She's coming anyway and she's my sister, I'm not going to be all will you be my Valentine? Two nights before Valentines Day she was very excited after school and telling him all about her track practice. Did I mention Kiley has always hated to run and I have a strong suspicion that her sudden interest in track has something to do with the fact that running is one of Tyson's passion's and she thinks he is super awesome and loves his approval????? Anyway, as she was walking away he said Kiley do you wanna come to Valentines dinner with me and Mom. She oh so casually said sure. I made very very sure I did not even glance in their direction!
We went out for sushi!!! Tyson and I are sushi lovers! Kiley not so much. She ordered steak. We waited forever and ever an EVER for our table. Some of that is too be expected of course but this was crazy crazy! So by the time we got our table one of us (me) was a little grouchy. Tyson said I have something to lighten the mood and pulled a list out of his pocket that said this:
10 things I love about the girls in my house:
1. You guys are so hilarious
2. You guys are so strong willed and independant
3. You're the best Mom and Sister I could ask for
4. You can both beat me at Just Dance
5. You love God
6. We all share freckles
7. We can share anything with each other
8. Y'all support all my crazy goals and ambitions
9. You listen to my stories about working out (and act like you're interested)
10. You never let me get too full of myself
Truly one of those nights you never forget. I really love these crazy kids!
My dates!

Ahi tower appitezer! So yummy!

Our three amazing sushi rolls!

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